The study was planned to assess the effect of nutritional status and sleeping hours on anxiety level by using height and weight measurement for BMI calculation and daily work schedule recorded to calculate sleeping hours per day by interview method. 24 dancers aged between 18-35 years were selected randomly. The anxiety based questionnaire were administrated to them and responses were analyzed with nutritional status and sleeping hours. The correlation between BMI (X1) and anxiety level (Y1), and sleeping hours per day (X2) and anxiety level (Y2) were analyzed through statistical rank-difference method. After Substituting the values in the equation for X1 and Y1 , we got a ρ of -0.38, it was found that the obtained value of ρ is less than the value given at 0.05 level (ρ >0.05) for N=24 and for X2 and Y2 , we got a ρ of +0.172, it was found that the obtained value of ρ is very much less than the value given at 0.05 level (ρ >0.05) for N=24. We analyzed slight and negative correlation between X1 and Y1 and between X2 and Y2, relation was positive but statistically insignificant, there was no absolute correlation and whenever correlation has been found is due to chance factor. In this study maximum percentage of subjects were under normal range of parameters. It may be concluded that sufficient sleep and BMI in normal range do not give rise to anxiety which would have otherwise affected the overall personality and performance of the dancers.